- Across america 40 states allow municipalities to enter into swap agreements .
- 全美国有40个州是允许市政府参与掉期交易的。
- Can someone enter into another 's dream and change it ?
- 一个人能进入别人的梦并改变它吗?
- At what age did the act of creating art enter into your life ?
- 艺术创作的冲动是在你几岁的时候进入你生活的?
- Keep your eyes open for some of the latest articles discussing where the future of our web is going . It 's hard to predict exactly where we can see web design in 5 years . But as we enter into the first quarter of 2011 it 's becoming clear
- 请留心最近那些讨论未来网页走向的文章,要准确预测5年内我们能看到的网页设计的定位还是很不容易的,但只要我们进入2011年第一季度,我们就能快速清晰的发现这个走向。
- I remove the string and enter into a tiny porch full of rusting tools .
- 我松掉拴住的绳子,进入一个堆满了生锈的工具的门廊。
- But I do believe that there are several key factors that help keep human beings centered when they are brave enough to enter into a relationship .
- 但是,我确实相信有那么几个关键因素,在人们勇敢地开始一段感情后可以帮助人们受到对方的关注。
- We know from economic history that countries enter into longish phases of stagnation after a financial crisis .
- 经济史告诉我们,一国在经历金融危机之后会进入较长的经济停滞阶段。
- China promises to address the issue by allowing foreigners to enter into the other businesses quicker than in the past .
- 中国承诺通过允许外资券商以比以往更快的速度进入其它业务领域来解决这个问题。
- To enter into direct business relations with you .
- 与你公司建立直接的业务关系。